THE CHAIN SOUTH, Nao Bustamante, 11:00, 1998

...In the video/public performance of "The Chain South" I play the vagabond, Ronaldo McDonaldo... Miguel [Calderon] and I traveled from San Francisco to Mexico City, stopping along the way at McDonalds. I would throw down my contract from the 1950s and order a Big Mac meal...while Calderon rolled the tape. Usually a manager was brought in followed by a phone call to the regional office... I could imagine men in white short sleeve shirts and black ties in the conference room, charting the bogus journey with yellow headed push-pins...However while Miguel was negotiating about the video taping, the food was always afforded to me as provided for in my contract, avoiding a potential scene. I guess it wouldn't look too good to turn away Ronaldo, or have him arrested on his own turf... --Nao Bustamante, Plazm magazine

Performer: Nao Bustamante
Director: Miguel Calderon

Nao Bustamante
<> is an internationally known performance art pioneer originating from the San Joaquin Valley of California. Her work encompasses performance art, installation, video, pop music and experimental rips in time. Bustamante's work has been presented, among other sites, at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts, and the Kiasma Museum of Helsinki. She has performed in Galleries, Museums, Universities and underground sites throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Mexico and of course the United States. In 2001 she received the prestigious Anonymous Was a Woman fellowship. Currently she is living in Troy, New York and an assistant professor of New Media and Live Art at Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute.